Donate Now

Welcome to our Community EverGreening Africa Donation Page!

You Can Make a Difference:

One-Time Donation: Make a single contribution to support our ongoing project initiatives.

– Monthly Support: Join our community of recurring donors, providing sustained and reliable support for our long-term goals.

Why Donate?

Your contribution goes beyond financial support; it becomes a symbol of your commitment to a greener, more sustainable world. Every dollar you give helps us to conserve our environment, promote climate-smart agriculture, and empower eco-entrepreneurs and young leaders

Donate directly to our bank account through swift transfer:

Beneficiary A/C Name: Communities Evergreening Africa

Beneficiary A/C No.: 1340285573098

Bank Name: Equity Bank Ltd

Bank Swift code: EQBLKENA

Bank Address: 1st Ngong Ave., Nairobi 00200, Kenya

Nature-Based Enterprises
Click Here
Eco-Peace Leadership
Click Here
Tree Planting
Click Here
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